The JobMaker Hiring Credit scheme is an incentive for you to employ additional young job seekers aged 16–35. You can claim payments for each eligible additional employee for up to 12 months from their start date between 7th October 2020 and 6th October 2021.
Benefit Amount
Employee aged 16-29 Years – $200/week (i.e. $10,400 for one year for each eligible employee)
Employee aged 30-35 years - $100/ week (i.e. $5,200 for one year for each eligible employee)
It is a significant amount to contribute to a new hire.
Employer Eligibility:
Your Activity Statement and Income Tax Lodgement should be up to date.
You must be reporting payroll through Single Touch Payroll (STP)
The accuracy of the headcount and payroll
You cannot claim JobMaker if you are claiming JobKeeper for the same period.
Employee Eligibility:
Other than the age and start period that is mentioned above:
The employee must works for at least 20 hours a week.
The employee must have received Parenting Payment, Youth Allowance or JobSeeker payment for at least 4 of the 12 weeks pre-commencement of employment.
Is not your close associate or relative
How to claim the benefit
Register with the ATO via online services
Nominate additional eligible employees through STP
Make a claim every three months.
Please contact me if you wish to discuss further.